my Tetrapanax 'rex' has done it to me again, first i had problems with this due to tranplanting, a month or 2 on and it was grwoing well putting out new shoots, all of a suddun now its gone and wilted , i dont know why ive been caring for it and made sure its waterered regulary etc. are these hard to grow or something... any advice please... this is my favourite plant and im having no luck its in the shade now
It's conceivable that the soil is heavy (seems to be judging by your pic) and unable to allow for adequate drainage and and air in the soil. This saturation can cause root rot which can produce situations seen in your photo. There are other possible senarios but the "root" of the problem seems to lie below the soil. Cheers, LPN.
i thought it was just wanting more water but ur right their is no air , ok thanks do u suggest puttin it in the ground, maybe i should repot it tomm and add loads perlite and see if it comes back, do u think it will survive...? thanks anyway