I am looking for information on how to grow voilet stemmed taro. Should it be planted in water? Sun or Shade? Any suggestions would be great. Thanks
Yes they are easy to grow and are marginal plants, meaning that they grow on the pond's edge. They do not have to be planted in water though. They can simply be planted in a moisture holding soil, and made to sure to be watered regularly. IT can be planted in either sun or shade, but probably will be happiest in a bright shady spot ( no direct sunlight, but a spot that stays bright all day long) They will grow in direct sunlight and in heavy shade as well. |M|
Mordachai, Me and my dad grow green elephant ear taro, I am planning on getting some black magic taro in the mail this spring , Do you have some advice for me? My dad got the green taro from Alabama. Thanks, Wyatt