My neighbor's tangerine tree is bearing some fruit that looks like oranges, although off- season. She has been letting me pick the ripe fruit and keep it, since she cannot eat it due to health reasons. Last season, I picked much fruit, cutting some of the thin branches off with the fruit attached, and placed them on a tray for decoration at Christmas. I did not think this would hurt the tree since I have done the same with my honeybell orange tree, with no harm done. We didn't have a freeze in our area last winter, as it rarely gets cold enough here in southwestern Florida. We are having bad drought this summer, so I have been watering the tree whenever possible. I also drove fertilizer spikes into the ground around it, following the instructions on the package. Some of the branches on the tree have died, and were trimmed off, but it looks as if more have died since. However, there is much new growth in parts of the tree and it has green, healthy looking leaves in some areas. Wiil this tree start bearing tangerines again? Is it worth saving? If so, suggestions on it's care, please.
A tangerine tree will bear tangerines and only tangerines, - never oranges, unless you graft additional varieties upon it. A mature citrus tree in Florida requires 3 fertilizing per year to stay healthy and produce a good crop, consult the local county agent. . Granular fertilizer is much better for the tree than fertilizer spikes, as granules supply nutrients to the root system mor evenly. - Millet
Thank you for the information. I am going to a local nuresry today and ask them about the fertilizer. Matrisa