There seems to be conflicting ideas about starting sunflower seeds out there. The guy in the link below, says to sow them directly in the ground after last frost, some other sites are saying to start the seeds indoors ????? What do you guys say?
I have always planted sunflower seeds directly in the ground. I assume you could start them in a container and transplant if you wish, however I have never done so, nor I personally have never known anyone who has. - Millet
Thanks for that.....I'll just direct sow them outside then, an dhopefully they will become giants :-)
I soak opened sunflower seeds indoors and then plant them into peat cups. I do this very early (when it's still snowing outside). When it's finally warm enough to plant outside, I transplant the seedlings outdoors. They grow bigger faster this way because they were started early indoors. Otherwise it really doesn't matter whether you start them indoors or out. Just how quickly you want to see results!