So i had my first attempt at grafting this winter. It was actually very successful. Now I want to give summer grafting a try and compare my results. I think I'm ready to try it except that I'm not sure when to start! ha. The most specific description i can find is, 'when the new growths starts to harden off'. What month does this typically happen? do you cut the scion from this springs new growth only (seems very small) or can you take it from the previous years growth? Can any oregon grafters help me? Also, any other helpful tips that helped you graft in the summer. thanks in advance.
Wood is best taken from the current years gowth. The hardening off is one piece of the puzzle as grafting wood that is too soft will not work as it is easily damaged and easily dessicated. Secondly, you need to have secondary buds formed on the new wood. If you pull off the leaf and petiole you should see a newly formed bud underneath..the larger the better. July to August is usually a good time in Oregon, but I would start checking the middle to the end of July. The idea is that if there is not sufficient bud formation under the petiole, there is no way the newly put-together graft will be alble to support bud formation and push buds before the scion dies off. Good luck.