Hi, I am new to botany and gardening and I’m looking for a species or species’ of plants that have similar features of the popular Chia Pet (Salvia hispanica): 1. A relatively short germination time. 2. Short plant height, about 2-3inches(not strictly speaking). Although I realized that Salvia hispanica grows much larger if planted. 3. A thick ground cover like appearance. 4.Grows indoors. However, unlike a Chia Pet I would like more longevity from the species compared to the 3-4 week life of a Chia Pet, ideally something that would stay small for a couple months. Would I be correct in assuming that, the smaller the species of plant, the longer the germination and slower growing? I am in the process of planting Dichondra repens and Irish Moss (Sagina Subulata) as an experiment as they fit the type of look I would like to achieve. As mentioned, I’m new to this field and trying to narrow down possible choices from thousands of plant species globally which I have little knowledge of. I figured this would be a good place to start. Any suggestions would be welcome; it could be any available plant species that fit characteristic’s similar to a Chia Pet. Thank you for your time.
You're not likely to have any plant grow densely indoors without supplemental lighting. If you're prepared to do that some Sedums would likely work. They are typically grown from cuttings not seeds. Mentha requienii may work, again with supplemental lighting. If you can find it Crassula multicava might work as well.
Thanks salt cedar, all great suggestions, I like the ground cover look,but the supplemental lighting would be an issue.Do you have any other suggestion of a 2-5" plant(not necessarily as dense) that I can grow indoor,from seed? I think if I compromise the original request, I will be able to find some suitable species. Thanks again.