Hi, I'm looking for varietal suggestions for 3-4 blueberry bushes that will be integrated into existing perennial beds. I want something really tasty and on the small side. Yield time doesn't really matter. Since I'm thinking of putting them at various points around the yard, how close do they need to be to each other in order to cross-fertilize? I'm in Vancouver, BC. Thanks cbrinkerhoff
All the blueberry verities that I am suggesting do not need cross pollinating. Duke and Bluecrop are the 2 biggest commercially grown and then Reka and Ellitt. Duke is prone to fungal problems in wet locations (blight and root rot) it early. Reke is tolerant of moister and is early but I like the flavor of Duke more. Bluecrop is mid season and is tasty. Ellitt is late season and is OK. My favorite tasting is Bluejay. I have seen a lot of blueberries and have taster most. neal
I don’t recall ever seeing Brigitta blue. Toro is another favourite tasting one with a nice sweet blueberry flavour it is as early a Duke with a larger fruit size. The verity with the largest fruit that I have seen is Chandler but it has no taste. Some new verities are Draper, Liberty and Aurora. If any one can get some of them I would recommend doing it.