Hello Everyone; I planted quite extensive new gardens this past spring. I live in zone 6A (southern Ontario) and all of the plants have seemed to come through this abnormally hot summer very well. Until lately that is when the weather here has been very topsy turvy. Quite dramatic weather changes .. quite hot some days followed by cool nights .. then lots of rain .. cool .. windy and then below freezing temperatures at night. Well needless to say, a couple of my plants (a hosta, a toad lily, and a ostrich fern) have started showing problems in the last half week. A fair number of their leaves are yellowing at the edges then browning quite substantially. They are in mostly shaded areas. I have not been watering my gardens lately as we've had quite alot of rain sporadically lately. Could they be suffering from over or underwatering? Or is this just normal behavior for this late in the year? Any help would be appreciated. Thank You ... Celtic Lass
At this time of year, I think you have nothing to worry about. They're just getting ready to enter their dormant winter phase... Our hostas in southern BC are good and yellow and looking pretty sad, for e.g. I think your warm fall (until recently) has kept your perennials nicer than ours!
Thanks for the advice. I was just worried what with completely relandscaping my backyard and all. Now I just have to figure out how best to prepare my gardens for the winter. Thanks again.
Hostas and the ostrich fern are pretty tough plants and difficult to knock off. But I have lost toad lilies to excessive waterlogging. I agree that it is likely they are going dormant. You will have to wait and see what happens comes spring. But I will bet the hosta comes back - no problems.