I have had this succulent plant for about five years but I don't really know what it is. It was doing fine until a few months ago when the leaves started to get orange-brown scars everywhere. The leaves aren't falling off and the plant continue to grows but it looks quite ugly in comparison to its earlier years. There are six main branches to the plant and all have been infected. I have tried a general pesticide spray but it hasn't seemed to help. I would like to save the plant but I don't know if it is already too late.
Well, I believe the plant is in the genus Aeonium. As for the disease, it reminds me of a rust, but I am in no way an expert on such diseases. Have a look at this page: Fungal Diseases of Sempervivum - note that this page suggests that this particular rust is specific to Sempervivum, but there could easily be something else in the same family of rusts that affects Aeonium.
Carbendazim (sounds nasty - one of the "filthy four" of pesticides according to Friends of the Earth)
Thanks for the plant i.d. Interestingly I haven't treated the plant at all but the "rust" seems to be retreating somewhat. I don't know if my eyes are playing tricks on me or what but only time will tell.