I bought these two beauties at wal-mart a few months ago when they were tiny and have since re-potted them. They look like they are doing well, but I am at a loss as to what they are actually called. Any help would be much appreciated. I water them once every 2 weeks and I fertilize them once a month with African Violet plant food. Is this appropriate? I should have added that they are inside my apartment with some sunlight from a skylight. I have a balcony but it doesn't receive any direct sunlight except for about 1 hour in the morning.
They definitely need more sun. The first is Cotyledon tomentosa ssp tomentosa, I believe. The 2nd looks to be Graptopetalum paraguayense (etoliated).
Thank you very much Rosemarie! I'll do my best to give them as much sunlight as possible but it isn't easy in our apartment. At least I know what they are now :)
Rima: I also have some Jade plants. I've been using African Violet plant food for them, so I figured what's good for one succulent must be good for the others. I'll follow your suggestion though and get some cactus food the next time i go to the garden store. Thanks.