Hi, I am looking for some indoor plants that are going to survive the multiple times that I will inevitably forget to water them, knock them off, not give enough light, etc etc. I am very interested in Aloe plants, I have a venus fly trap, and I am looking for other tough plants that will survive my abuse. I love flowers, but I am allergic to pollen (mainly ragweed), so I dont know if there are any 'pretty' plants that won't make me sneeze. I live in Toronto, so they have to be able to survive our extremes of temps on my windowsill / desk (-20C in winter to 35C in summer... higher in direct sun). Also, common, readily available plants are better! Thanks!!! *EQL*
Sansevieria (AKA Mother in Law's Tongue). First plant I ever grew (at age 6) and i still have one around. I'm now well past 55....Yikes! http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/431/ About the only way to kill it is to try to take good care of it. HTH Chris
Sounds great... except for the whole poison thing... i have little cousins.. too bad though... it sounds like I could actually grow it!! thanks, *EQL*
Sansevieria is only considered "mildly toxic" , meaning you (or a baby) would have to eat an incredible amount (like 10% of your body weight) to experience signs of toxicity. I'm thinking if you ate 10% of your body weight of ANYTHING, you probably wouldn't feel too good! So, while I wouldn't recommend serving it for dinner, it's no reason not to have it in your house.
Cycads are very tough plants, and many can be grown indoors. They, too, are toxic but the leaves are so stiff (like plastic) I doubt anyone would ingest them. Check out my web site for photos and cultural information. Here is a photo of one I have growing in my house.