Stressed Red Valencia Orange Tree

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by redbug119, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. redbug119

    redbug119 Member

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    Palm Bay, FL USA
    Hubby bought a 5 gal pot red valencia orange tree, planted it and several days later the dog dug it backup. We found it laying on it's side with the whole root ball exposed, probably had been like that about 24 hrs. Looked like someone had picked it clear out of the ground and shook all the dirt off the root ball. Daughter re-planted it and we put some additional topsoil on top and I'm trying to nurse it back. Many of the leaves are curled, but some are OK. When I water it with a light rain-type sprayer, some of the leaves are now falling off. Any suggestions as to what else I can do? I'm watering it with the rain sprayer everyday. Is there any hope, or did the dog cost us $50??

    Janet in Palm Bay, FL
  2. aesir22

    aesir22 Active Member

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    durham - england
    I think with the roots disturbed like that its going to throw a bit of a fit before it perks up! Make sure you don't water it to death, and avoid fertilizer. The thing I have noticed about citrus is that they are very good at making us think they are on the brink of death, only to explode into life weeks later :)
  3. Millet

    Millet Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Denver,Colorado USA
    aesier22 is correct about over watering. Over watering is the NUMBER ONE killer of citrus trees. When the soil has adequate moisture the tree does not require, nor want, additional watering. Watering every day will do more harm to the tree.- Millet

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