Hello, I want to plant strawberry in my city (Iran_Tehran),Can you recommend good varieties?How many strawberries(each variety)plant per 100 m2? Thank you
Howdy Zainab, It is hard to answer your questions when we have very different climatic environment. Your best bet is to seek information from the nearest Department of Agriculture of Iran. Just for your infor., in Alberta, Canada, we grow both day neutral and June bearers. Our most popular day neutrals are Seascap and Tristar. Kent and Gooscap are two of the popular June bearers. These may not do well for you. We plant in beds spaced at 1 to 1.3 metre apart. With June bearers, plants are planted in single row in the beds at 30 cm between plants. Day Neutrals are planted in double rows with triangular planting spaced at 30 cm. Peace Thean
Zainab hello, When you work out varieties that are suitable for your area you can also grow them well in pots. It is also a good idea to mulch them with straw when growing in beds or something similar. This helps keep fruit clean, snails down and the moisture in the soil. Some of the varieties we grow in Australia will probably work in Iran. Dry warm to hot. "Tioga, Torrey, Tallara, " are Californian varieties we grow here. http://www.waldecks.com.au/caresheets/Strawberries.PDF http://www.heyne.com.au/gardencentre/factsheets/factsheet.php/Strawberries.htm Liz