This is the first time me and my wife came across a strawberry plant with a pink flower, instead of the typical white ones. Has anybody seen this before, and any idea of what's behind this colour variation? thanks
all my wild strawberries are dark pink, they don't always turn into fruit, not sure why, but the ones that do are small, yet far sweeter than the bigger varieties. i use these ones for making jams as nothing compares to the sweet taste! i grow 9 varieties of strawberries, sweet William, long stem, ever bearing , trail mix, and wild are some of my fav's....
If you are saying the "wild" ones have dark pink flowers then they are most likely from the hybrid group mentioned above, and not a native species. The selection that first became prevalent here was sold as Pink Panda, since then there have been multiple other forms offered.
i am not sure if they are hybrids or not i got them up north at the side of a river bank, 14km off road, and another 28km up river! it would be a rare occasion that these flowers would be 'store bought' but it is possible the birds brought the seeds north....