One of my Japanese Maples is looking rather sad, its leaves are curling upwards as opposed to getting crispy and curling the other way in dehydration. What could be causing it to do that?
Yesterday, taking a quick look at the maples (#10 size) at Costco, which have been there probably a week without sun or water, I thought that I saw the same upward curl to the leaves, but some crispness as well. I did not know that dehydration caused the leaves to curl just downward.
Do you happen to use Roundup near your maples to clean up the mulch? Roundup can cause strange mutations in the current years growth if side-spray gets on the buds. It won't occur again next year if it is in-fact Roundup damage. I've seen very small wirey looking leaves, fat bizzare leaves, and miniture leaves on grafts that were along the edge of the greenhouse, near where roundup was used. Another maple enthusiast that I'm friends with has had similar results with roundup on maples. Brian
Huh, I didn't know that about round up usage, but no I haven't used round-up anywhere on my property. It might be that it is a little dehydrated, but with all the rain we have had, that would be suprising to me.
I too have a Japanese maple tree that leaves a curling upward and looking sad. I bought it late last year and it was looking like that but I figured it would come back in spring time which it did. But now, it looks wilty and all the leaves are curling upward and some are brown. What can I do?
Probabily cause is hot wind or more sun for many hours in afterroom ,give more water,whit liquid fertilize(for stimulate the reserve bud)if possible use one screen for the wind,i see one parassite plant around the trunk and branch please remove this ..alex
Thank you for your input Alex. I did not know what parassite plant look like but removed the lower branch and also removed bonsai wires as well. ( I had it on wrapped around some of the branches for directional training) Keiko