Is there anything I can do to stop a tree from bleeding? I would not dare cut ټanything bigger then a three cm , but sometimes it has to be done. So can the bleed be stoped?
Richard, with a grape vine I have had luck with a red-hot poker. Seriously. Never tried it on a maple, but the cauterization ought be the same. -E
Cutting in mid to late summer will minimise bleeding. Cauterising is not a good idea, it can interfere with or even stop the natural wound sealing process.
I tried some purning early to mid Feburay and I got a lot of bleeding then and of couse now is one of the worst times to cut anything. So I have to agree that maybe July, August and September would be the best time to make any cuts. I wonder when people take sicon wood around here? What do you think of this tool <<