I have used a sterilizing paint on tar like substance on Yucca cuttings to stop the ends from getting disease in them, it's very thick but dries hard. There is also a aerosol form of it called steri-prune which is not as effective at leaving a good coating. I'd say you'd have to see your local nursery for the better product.
No there isn't! Note that it is resin, not sap, that is coming out. Pines produce resin as a natural wound sealant, and you can't improve on what they do naturally.
Can't disagree with that. But I can definitely confirm that sealing the tops of Yucca cuttings in particular has definite benefit. In a natural situation plants produce their own sap to heal just as we bleed and scab. I'm just wondering if it was a Xmas tree that's been cut and put inside hence not wanting the sticky resin to end up in the house? Otherwise let it do it's own thing.
Rats! After the septic guy dragged the suction hose over one of my Swiss Stone Pines, I squirted a product called "Pruning Paint" on the places where the branches broke off. It still seemed OK this fall, guess next spring will tell the tale. Done by marketing once again! Carl