starting tangarine seeds

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by cre8tivecat, May 7, 2008.

  1. cre8tivecat

    cre8tivecat Member

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    manchester New jersey
    hi all... wondering what i should do about starting a tangarine tree. i have saved many a seeds from my ( eating to many tangarines ) Can you tell me, do I try them first? This is my first attempt. I live in NJ so I only have about 6 months to leave it out side for the sun it needs. Any and all help would be appricated.

    Thanks K
  2. Tylerj

    Tylerj Member

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    Ontario, Canada
    I have sprouted many different types of citrus seeds such as Grapefruit, Orange, Key Lime and Clementine just by planting the seeds in a pot with potting mixture. I cover the pot with clear plastic to keep up the humidity and keep it in an area with bright light but not direct sun.

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