stake or prune leggy growth?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by PoorOwner, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. PoorOwner

    PoorOwner Active Member 10 Years

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    Northern CA
    Hi, I have a Katsura that just want to extend it's branches infinitely. It never seems to stop growing longer. I have guided some of the branches with stakes and it looks alot better (relatively), but if this continues I might have to prune them off.

    Only reason I am not pruning the long branches is because I would like it to have more leaves to develope a better root system. But I think I might prune them off in summer when it will bleed less so it can develope more refinement as well. Does that sound like a plan?

    BTW, I have not used much fertilizer beside a couple half strength dynagro application in the last year, it was a 1 gallon plant that went into the bed last summer.

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  2. Rima

    Rima Active Member

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    Eastern Canada
    If you prune the branches (not now tho') you'll get lots of new growth further back, and a more proportional tree. It's probably reaching for more light now, though you have to be careful not to burn these, of course.

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