This is my Shin Deshojo. I really took a lot off of it. It had a lot of twiggy growth and a ton of branches that crossed over each other. This plant almost dies last year due to lack of watering so I was scared to prune it. We'll see what happens.
Looks good, I especially like the bloodgood that is further away from the house, it is going to look great! Are these the OSH bloodgoods? I do think the bloodgood in front of the 3 small window might be a little too close to the house. Unless you were looking for privacy there I think eventually it block those windows quite completely.. I am especially careful of trees blocking light to windows myself when planting a tree. I think the bloodgoods do not need the bamboo sticks the size they are. Typically anything 5 gallon are sold without stakes. I think you will enjoy the appearance even more without them.
That's a good point about the stake. I have gotten so used to them that I forget they are even there. The Bloodgood that is away from the house is from OSH. I got it last year for $50. It was a great deal! All of the other Maples are from nurseries. The Bloodgood by my front windows was meant to fill in the area. In a few years it should fill in nice. I have a few other "Bloodgoods" in a pot. They were purchased from OSH. They both are very different from each other and look nothing like bloodgoods. I'll post some pictures soon...
The attached picture was taken this morning after a light rain. Trees shown are from left to right 1) Osakasuki - extreme left edge, under the Dogwood, 2) Inaba Shidare, 3) Moonfire, and 4) a Bloodgood. April is usually the best month for the deep red colors. Swanny