At first glance I thought it was a young macrophyllum, lol. Don't need any special techniques for saccharinum here, when there are seeds, they grow everywhere. I even found one on the car, in that little gap between the trunk and the rear windshield! Your northern maples always look ridiculously good, really none better. And you haven't exactly been spoiled by the weather this year! Maybe that helps keep the bugs down. Or maybe you've got a secret satanic ritual you can teach us. Stop claiming it's the root pruning, haha. I uploaded some photos this morning and found a few more from pre-Mayday. Here they are, including 3 pictures from a largish shirasawanum seedling that never ceases to give lots of pleasure, with a soft green leaf and bluish petioles. Like most maples, covered with flowers, as is A. laxiflorum: I haven't been able to get a good picture of the whole tree in flower, but I find the individual blooms stunning. (I also mushed a dozen or so caterpillars when taking these last pictures!)
'Aureum' coming out from hiding... bright midday sun against deep shade a hint of wabi sabi with the dead branch end
A few of the Potted dissectums from today , at last a lovely day with some warm sunny weather ... cheering them up no end !!!
Your northern maples always look ridiculously good, really none better. And you haven't exactly been spoiled by the weather this year! Maybe that helps keep the bugs down. Or maybe you've got a secret satanic ritual you can teach us. Stop claiming it's the root pruning, haha. The weather is still quite cold even though we have had a lovely sunny day , and as for the bugs never seen it so bad for the little sods my legs have been bitten to hell. think i need to stop wearing shorts all the time , might have to get a haz mat suit :):) Of course i am still sticking with the root pruning lol!! Your last set of pics the second one is that the real name ??? never heard of it before , mind you pretty though.
dissectum Spring delight and yes it comes out like this every year ( have two) and both will turn green later in the summer time and a lovely golden orange in the fall , created out of a Viridis.
The sun is shining and it's warming up, so I thought a few of my reds for the thread today. Hana matoi x2 Mystic Jewel (just leafing out) Garnet Brocade x2 Inaba shidare Red dissectum Amagi shigure English Lace Have lovely Sunday.
Haha, what ever it is, keep doing it! True, the bugs are pretty fierce this year, but I do see more predators -- lots of ladybirds -- out there too. It's certainly a year for ticks, unfortunately. We're seeing a lot of tents from the pine procession caterpillars, I've smushed some on maples, along with the usual green ones. Shorts? I wouldn't dream of it! But you almost could do it, today. Suffer for Fashion is the eval name for a seedling that a lot of people encouraged me to name. It gets better autumn color in the sun, hence... Like a few others here, we'll see how it does grafted, before letting it escape into the great beyond! I have one called 'Lemon Chiffon' that seems very similar, with the red tips. I'll post some pics of it later.
I wish these two will survive and thrive, and keep their colours : One from the "Rich10" batch : The second one is one of about 50 seedlings from 'Ryusen'. Did the seed land in the tray from another one, with the wind ? The new leaves are pinkish :
Me too! Looks very promising. I'm very talented at killing seedlings, so I try not to let myself get too excited until mine are a few years old. And even then... Here's a few more pics, from this past week. I appear to have been incapable of spelling Hoshi yadori on my phone, oh my. ChatGPT will be confused forever more! I like the sport, but I doubt it would survive on it's own. A few more eval maples in here: Sunburst, Orange Parfait, Chocolate Curl (about done with the spring interest) and Lil Goldie.
A Kasagi yama from today , tend to find moving this cultivar around certainly helps with the colours , this is it's second spot in two years out in the sunlight now , previously i always kept it in sheltered areas for the past eight years and i must admit it's looking very nice at present certainly liking the sun.
(Roebuk wrote, but quoting stopped working for me) Wow how do we split these two apart , two more for the synonym list maybe?? Maybe they have other characteristics that are different, like one is larger, or takes sun better. Or maybe they're the same plant... :) I have another suspect, 'Suisei', bought this year, looks a dead ringer for Viridis. Here are some pics from this past weekend. I've included A. douglasii, no big thing for you Americans and Canadians, but awfully rare here. I've been after one for about 20 years! Hopefully I can get this one to live, the seedling is in its second year.