Appreciation: Spring maples 2022

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Acerholic, Apr 12, 2022.

  1. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Here in my part of Southern England, the cloud is just bubbling up, so I think it's the last of the sunshine for today. So some photos before coffee in the garden this morning.

    Yasemin.....................................................Koyuki............................................Villa Taranto
    Yasemin May 10th 2022.JPG Ko yuki May 10th 2022.JPG Villa Taranto May 10th 2022.JPG
    Beni maiko...............................................Sunset..............................................Peaches and cream
    Beni Maiko May 10th 2022.JPG Sunset May 10th 2022.JPG Peaches and cream May 10th 2022.JPG
    Fujinami nishiki.....................................Vic Pink......................................Tsuma beni
    Fujinami nishiki May 10th 2022.JPG Vics Pink May 10th 2022.JPG Tsuma beni May 10th 2022.JPG
    Lastly my old Autumn gold, just leafed out this last few days.
    Autumn Gold May 10th 2022.JPG
    wind-borne, irshmerc, ChrisUk and 6 others like this.
  2. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    So do I. It was kept in a rather shaded area so far, maybe that's why, but I also think it might have been mislabelled.
  3. dicky5ash

    dicky5ash Generous Contributor Maple Society

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    Northampton Uk
    Thanks Derek. Re interest in I picked that up of my own accord..I can’t blame her.I had them before they did, but they have got about 15 now lol

    The house was built mid 1990s, was planted by a previous owner but can’t be much more than 25years old..indicates a very strong grower I’d say!

    Lovely yellow/orange Autumn display..I’m going to make a better effort this year of air layering it..I tried last year with damp moss, ringed the cambium, sprinkled some organic root promoter, then in a black bag with electrical tape to seal..left it for 3 months but it hadn’t taken. What kind of thickness branch should I try? I tried to focus on fairly new growth, 12mm thick last time…maybe it was too thick?
    Acerholic likes this.
  4. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Tbh R, I would go for a broom handle thickness, that size tree can take it very well, but not all air layering takes. Re the moss, 'Sphagnum' is the best by far. Also the bag does have to have some drainage. Apart from that it should work. But as I said it's not 100%.
    dicky5ash likes this.
  5. dicky5ash

    dicky5ash Generous Contributor Maple Society

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    Northampton Uk
    1&2 Beni-Schichihenge
    3 Ornatum and viridis
    4. Pixie (as labelled)
    5. Green Monster aka Emerald Lace

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    wind-borne, Lisa Harry, emery and 5 others like this.
  6. Lisa Harry

    Lisa Harry Contributor

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    New Westminster, BC, Canada
    OMG Everyone’s trees are so gorgeous.. I so need to see the gardens of others today… I’m stuck back home for a few days.. the COVID I recently recovered from has wreaked havoc on my asthma so I’m kinda confined and even a walk in my garden is too much for me right now.. (keep in mind I have a basic city lot nothing like some of you or those castle dwellers) :) **don’t hear me wrong I love that everyone is on this forum from apartments, basic city lots to castle’s - everyone’s gardens are incredible!!! I love the variety and imagination that everyone has its a true pleasure to see/ experience. I took two pictures from my deck of ones sticking out for me today. Summer Gold. I am really enjoying its colour so glad I found one this year. The other Orion, I received this one in summer last year not early spring so I’m not sure if its the colour is correct maybe I have it in too much shade? I loved the colouring last year the green/ burgundy, really fell in love with it, I feel like its content in it spot but I hope its getting enough sun.

    Orion (excuse the skull, I have to let my partner decorate or he doesn’t feel apart of and he has more money than me so he can buy more maples) just kidding we have similar funds!!!! god I’ll let him do almost anything if it means he will grab a few more trees with me…hahaahahah
    Orion - much lighter than when I purchased it last year
    Summer Gold very new to me this spring
    Summer Gold - truly gorgeous colour, hope it tolerates this full sun day/night exposure - its next to the red dragon.
  7. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    I haven't heard of this one, and don't find it in my various lists, do you know the origin Derek?

    @dicky5ash that's very upright for Hogyoku, does it have the requisite orange autumn color? The leaves look right as rain of course.

    Here's the final batch from the 6th, going until the light starts to become difficult at the end of the day.

    20220506_183832_v1.jpg 20220506_183844_v1.jpg 20220506_183903_v1.jpg 20220506_183927_v1.jpg 20220506_184003_v1.jpg 20220506_184144_v1.jpg 20220506_184211_v1.jpg 20220506_184257_v1.jpg 20220506_184320_v1.jpg 20220506_184353_v1.jpg 20220506_184434_v1.jpg

    I spent so much time outside that day because we had to say goodbye to our old Cooper. Finally he just didn't want to get up any more. I was covid-positive, and couldn't go, which made the whole thing even more difficult, perhaps. He was a very good dog, and will be missed by all who knew him (which includes some here on UBC, too.) So here are a few random pictures of Cooper to finish up.

    IMG_20170730_192315_v1.jpg IMG_20170919_175151.jpg IMG_20170919_191132.jpg IMG_20171110_165923.jpg IMG_20171211_175701.jpg 20211029_174650_v1.jpg
    maf, Xi-feng, wind-borne and 6 others like this.
  8. Lisa Harry

    Lisa Harry Contributor

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    New Westminster, BC, Canada
    @emery I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Cooper looks like a lovely friend. Gardens are great and they are even better with dogs in them. Be well.
    emery likes this.
  9. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Had this for over 40 years E. Can't remember the origin. But it was a local nursery purchase.
  10. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    I don't "have" a dog, but my son has one, "Masto". He works outside all day, come rain or shine, but spends at least an hour walking him in the nearby forest. I often worry about them, if for one reason or another Masto dies, my son would be devastated.

    I suspect he "took" this dog so his father would worry about him.

    I'm joking : but when the day comes, I don't think I'll be able to crack a joke to comfort him, this kind of black humour my son enjoys...
    Lisa Harry and emery like this.
  11. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    So very sorry to hear about Cooper E. But as all the photos you have posted show, he was a very happy and loved Golden Retriever.
    I have had dogs and a horse that meant a lot to me, to lose them is one of the hardest things to bare. So chin up E, as we say in England. If we gave them a good life then that's all that matters.
    Lisa Harry, emery and AlainK like this.
  12. Lisa Harry

    Lisa Harry Contributor

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    New Westminster, BC, Canada
    Well with enough medication one can make it to the back of the yard. So I snapped a pic of my partners Tree - Orangeola (yes we have to identify it’s his tree and he picked it out) hahahaha, its looking really good. We turned it around so the shade side is currently exposed because the wind is crazy here lately. With its bent over shape it falls periodically and last time it popped right out of its pot. It is not pot bound the roots are not all wound around it and it was just up potted last year. I think it’s fine in its pot but I will need to maybe tie something around it and the adjacent holly tree to ensure it doesn’t fall over in strong winds. Anyway I love how the shady side is very green and it looks lovely this tree continues to impress me.
    D97x7, Stuart McKenna, emery and 2 others like this.
  13. irshmerc

    irshmerc Member

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    Sorry for your loss man, he was a happy looking fella
    emery and AlainK like this.
  14. dangerine49

    dangerine49 Contributor

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    Long Island, NY
    RIP Cooper. It's tough to lose a good buddy.
    emery likes this.
  15. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    I'm just going to title my posting today as 'Sprinkles', because that's all the rain we have had overnight. The leaves did enjoy it though.
    Beni Shigitatsu Sawa............................Red flamingo.................................Purple Ghost
    Beni Shigitatsu sawa May 11th 2022.JPG Red Flamingo May 11th 2022.JPG Purple Ghost May 11th 2022.JPG
    Moonrise................................................Amber Ghost..................................Baby Ghost
    Moonrise May 11th 2022.JPG Amber Ghost May 11th 2022.JPG Baby Ghost May 11th 2022.JPG
    Sazanami...............................................Rainbow........................................Olsen's Frosted Strawberry
    Sazanami May 11th 2022.JPG Rainbow May 11th 2022.JPG Olsons Frosted Strawberry May 11th 2022.JPG
  16. dicky5ash

    dicky5ash Generous Contributor Maple Society

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    Northampton Uk
    @emery It turns yellow then orange-ish but they tend to shed before all turn solid orange. I’m not absolutely sure it’s Hogyoku (hence saying or similar) as I posted on here about it a few years ago and I think Ron pointed out the leaf serrations where slightly courser on mums tree compared to the fine teeth serrations on documented Hogyoku. But that’s the nearest I’ve found to date..I’ll try to remember to take a photo in the Autumn.
    emery likes this.
  17. LoverOfMaples

    LoverOfMaples Generous Contributor Maple Society

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    Rhode Island
    Outside doing yard work and 'Gable Glory' caught my eye.

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    maf, kbguess, Xi-feng and 7 others like this.
  18. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Well we had 4 hours of light rain yesterday, so my maples looked very happy and refreshed this morning. A bit chilly first thing, but quite refreshing.
    These few caught my eye.
    Fenna....................................................Reticulatum purple
    Fenna May 12th 2022.JPG Reticulatum purple May 12th 2022.JPG
    Amagi shigure.....................................Higasa yama
    Amagi shigure May 12th 2022.JPG Higasayama May 12th 2022.JPG
    Mila.........................................................Mure hibari
    Mila May 12th 2022.JPG Mure hibare May 12th 2022.JPG
    Twombley's Red Sentinel..................Ruby Stars
    Twombley's Red Sentinel May 12th 2022.JPG Ruby Star May 12th 2022.JPG
  19. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Good morning, still some chill in the air, but my maples are coming along in leaps and bounds now. So here are a few more photos to share. The first is a combo with Jordan BTW.

    Gwen's Rose Delight........................................Orange Dream
    Gwens Rose delight May 13th 2022.JPG Orange Dream May 13th 2022.JPG
    Corallinum.....................................................Red Wine
    Corallinum May 13th 2022.JPG Red Wine May 13th 2022.JPG
    Rufinerve May 13th 2022.JPG Elegantulum May 13th 2022.JPG
    Kasagiyama May 13th 2022.JPG Ukigumo May 13th 2022.JPG
  20. kbguess

    kbguess Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Iowa City, IA
    I put chip bud grafts of Olsen's Frosted Strawberry and Tsuma Beni onto one of my specimen trees a couple of years ago when I didn't have root stock
    Will probably have enough material to graft onto rootstock next year
    LoverOfMaples, maf, emery and 2 others like this.
  21. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    Very interesting. And spectacular to see several cvs on the same tree.
    I've always wondered if chip-budding grafts could take on A. palmatum, now I have the answer.

    When did you do it ?...
  22. kbguess

    kbguess Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Iowa City, IA
    I think mid July but I am not sure. I think as long as root stock is active chip buds can be successful. I have a friend who has done from early spring through late summer, mostly with ginkgo
    AlainK likes this.
  23. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    Thanks for the reply @kbguess

    I have so many seedlings that not trying would be a major fault for a maple lover. ;-)
    kbguess likes this.
  24. dangerine49

    dangerine49 Contributor

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    Long Island, NY
    A new addition showed up via Fedex yesterday: Manyo No Sato

    Also had some good late afternoon light:

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    LoverOfMaples, JoshuaL, maf and 9 others like this.
  25. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    A bit later today, as it was our first breakfast sat in the garden amongst our trees. Such a beautiful morning here in our little part of England.
    Summer gold x 2 ..........................................................................................Tsuma beni
    Summer Gold May 14th 2022 (2).JPG Summer Gold May 14th 2022.JPG Tsuma beni May 14th 2022.JPG
    Goshiki shidare x 2..........................................................................................Coral Magic
    Goshiki shidare May 14th 2022 (2).JPG Goshiki shidare May 14th 2022.JPG Coral magic May 14th 2022.JPG
    Fujinami nishiki.....................................Crimson Queen............................Emma
    Fujinami nishiki May 14th 2022.JPG Crimson Queen May 14th 2022.JPG Emma May 14th 2022.JPG

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