Is my new Aureum lost? Received it from Maplestone over a month ago with firm buds. The leaves pushed during the first week of April and suddenly stopped, with those leaves that actually opened just hanging limp and looking wilted. It's looked like this for the past two to three weeks now with no signs of change. Kevin in KC
Ugh. So long as the new stalks in pic 1 don't wilt over completely, I hope you'll be OK. Sometimes they do stall like this, could be a cold snap or not enough sun. If those stalks keel over though, it's cooked. That's already happened to me with a pretty shirasawanum sapling this spring. Here's hoping!
Thanks for the encouragement, Emery. But I'm afraid that it's a goner :-( Last night, before posting, I'd gone ahead and repotted the tree, hoping that would make a difference. Needless to say, it looks even worse today... <sigh> Pat, it's been in shade since leaf-out. No direct sun at all. Kevin in KC