This cultivar "Spring Delight" always makes me stop a look each time i walk past it, hence the caption "Pure Delight" which it really is. The red edgings just look as though they have been dipped in red paint, such a pretty looking tree plus it looks super in the fall as well.
jaybee63 Correct was purchased from Packhorse nursery , does not have many but worth buying one if you can. Tried for two years to find one of these.
Saw a couple of these at one of the local nurseries today - quite nice, but they were all green already :( What color is it in fall?
Seems like kind of a weeping lace-leaf equivalent to 'Katsura' - although probably with a more strongly colored margin.
Andrea Depending where you keep it with regards to sunlight it will come out as the pictures show (Hence the name S/D) then it will turn green in mid summer then finally it will go a lovely crimson or dark orange with a red hue. Another couple of pics of a similar Acer "Momoiro koy san" again lovely peach coloured edgings on the leaves this time, glows in the sunlight very pretty. Wish i could just go down my locam garden centre and buy another S/D
jaybee63 Hopefully i will be going down to see him next week, will see if he as any for this year and let you know. Mark
Thanks! We are full swing into summer here (been low 30s celsius or higher most of May already, ugh) so that would explain it being completely green already. The fall color sounds lovely though. I too have Momoiro koya san, and love the spring colors - I just wish they lasted longer, they are so beautiful! What color does yours turn in fall? Last fall was my first with this cultivar, and we had such a hard freeze so quickly that I didn't really get to enjoy any fall colors on my maples. :(
Will turn a lovely scarlet colour eventually, after a green bronze flush just before, really holding it's colours well at this present time.
jaybee63 Well went today had a great day out saw lots of stunning maples, learnt more about two paticular cultivars which i was struggling with !! pre ordered two specimens for the back end of the year and finished off with a fantastic pub lunch. Can life get any better? Have loads more pictures, if want to email me i will send you them on. Mark
Maple heaven!, Wow, every specimen looks superb. Thanks for the pictures Mark, I will pm you with my email. I have always had a thing for Japanese maples, just love the contrasts in colour and leaf form together with the branch structure. My father tried to grow a few without much success, but there is so much informaation about their cultivation so easily available now. It's been very rare that I have ever a lot a specimen, although extensive die-back can sometimes be a problem after a harsh spring. I've told my wife that if we ever move, all the ground planted acers are being moved and coming with us if at all possible. Every time I have moved house, I have left behind plants that I wish I now had in my collection.
jaybee63 Have uploaded another three pics for you, tried to send them again to your email but had problems downloading the pics this time!!! Think you can see the set up he has though should keep you busy looking and choosing for a few hours;)
Great pics, the stock looks well grown and a wide selection of sizes. Once work slows down, I will plan a trip. I picked up a nice looking chitoseyama yesterday. I think I have around 100 acers now with about 90 different varieties, and my wife hasn't yet put a stop to my addiction.
jaybee63 Glad you liked the pictures feel sure you will find something different which you do not have as yet!! Just give him a bell and have a chat and tell him what you are after,you will also find he is very reasonable price wise,you will not be paying a fortune!!!. Your wife sounds quite sensible re your Acers:) My main downfall are Dissectums!!! can't get enough of these 24 different varieties at the moment, running out of garden just looking at taking another 40x5ft area of lawn out so i can plant more on york stone rockery areas!!! Looking to have at least 70+% Acers planted out by the end of the year. At the end of the day container JMs are fine but you can't beat a good ground grown plant for beauty growth and vigour. Chitoseyama is one thing i don't have, never really fancied one to be honest, each to there own as they say!!!! life would be very dull if we all kept the same varieties, we would never get to see all the lovely specimens we see now on this site.
It was the different to usual growth habit of Chitoseyama that caught my eye, it just stood out as a nicely proportioned domed plant. I need to take a pic. Now one thing me and my wife disagree on is the size of the borders, I am always negotiating on taking up areas of the lawn, more often than not widening when my wife's not looking and taking the consequences afterwards. I agree with you on hard planting, there comes a time when they are better off planted in the ground. We have a fair few in pots, most acquired as small grafts and grown on, and once they reach a certain size I want to get them in the ground. How I wish for a bigger garden!