I have a nice Japanese Maple that tends to get white spots in late summer. Just wondered if this is a common problem and is there a fix for this? I have had other Japanese Maples but never had a spotting problem. Would really appreciate some help with this problem.
is it dried spots or like a powder? if powder-like, its probably fungus. Use a gentle fungicide spray or Phyton-27 if the spots are dry(withered)it might be lack of watering or a compacted rootball. hope this helps
Japanese Maple Thanks for the information on the spotting of my Japanese maple. The spots are dry ones and I will try and water the plant more often. I don't think the rootball is constricted as I always make the planting hole large and add pete and other loose organic material.
yes..on watering check your soil and outside conditions if they are dry more water, if the soil is moist and in the shade, less or no water. If the area is full sun and the soil is moist its the direct sunlight and not the watering dont over-water it. Maybe try to transplant it to a shadier area.