We receiveda ponytail plant as a gift. It has three bulbs in the pot, each bulb is about 2" in dia. Has anyone every seperated and repotted this size plant with success?
Re: how can I help my Pony Tail Plant? No worries. Your Beaucarnea are one of the toughest plants known. Too much water will kill them, but other than that, they can survive quite a bit of abuse. Use a well-draining mix. Many will use a bonsai soil or Turface MVP (soil conditioner). Others may use a good commercial potting mix (40-50%) and a (50-60%) mix of perlite, vermiculite, or bonsai soil/Turface. Basically, the mix should be very light and drain water freely. The mix should dry out within a day or two. When you repot, you will likely have to cut some roots apart. Do not worry about this. Dust some rooting hormone on the roots before repotting, then DO NOT WATER for 5-7 days. Let the wounds heal before exposing them to water. If you have further questions, we have a forum for this plant (and others like it)...the Caudiciform and Pachycaul Tree forum. If you check out the photo gallery within this forum, there is further information. It is a popular plant, but often misunderstood. Mark