I live in Port Coquitlam, BC. I have another weeping Japanese Maple problem, other than the one in my previous post. We unusual winter conditions with 18 inches of snow in one week. As a result, my 3 foot tall weeping Japanese Maple split three ways down the middle. I removed one branch and applied prunning paint. I'm left with 2 sections weeping in different directions. However, there is a tear between them. Will that cause disease to set in? If I cut one of the 2 sections, the remaining section will have a pretty thin sliver of trunk left? What should I do? Weeping over my maples.
First off, dont bother with the pruning paint, for the damages you show it isnt going to help anything. "Wound Dressings: Wound dressings are not recommended for any tree wounds. Wound dressings actually have been found to increase decay. Wounds should be left exposed to the open air to seal naturally." Copied from: http://www.uri.edu/ce/factsheets/sheets/treeinjury.html You can likely brace the split union with small diameter ready rod and some washers and nuts.