I have a spider plant that was put outside and it died off. I managed to bring it back to life and its doing well. Its still outside. What should I do when winter comes? What kind of conditions does it live in? Please help. Thanks Kendra
Bring it back in when it starts to get colder in the fall, they are house plants but yours is probably enjoying the natural sun light. Mine is outside right now for the summer and seems to be enjoying it. But yes bring it in for the winter as the frost will kill it. They make good hanging basket plants if you wanted to transplant it and hang it somewhere.
Hi there .. they are really hardy plants and easy to grow inside ..jsut give it a bright window and it will love ya for it .. just one thing they need to b pot bound in order to sprout babies so if it hasnt had babies i would leave it in the same pot .. good luck Marn