With just its roots submerged, a spider plant baby will grow in a cup of water. However, the spider plant is not aquatic. No, it will not grow underwater: it will soon drown. Fatal to the plant---its subsequently rotting carcass will not be healthy for your fish, either. Consult your friendly local aquarium, either pet store or zoo, for help in choosing appropriate plants! Or even your friendly local library.
Sounds worth a try, however, look up aquatic moss on line, there are many options... Plants from aquatic sources, retail or otherwise will be necessary for your endeavour.
Hey all it has ben two weeks or more the moss looks the same except the weeds that were attched to the moss"all the weeds attched to the moss had died." but the moss looks the same, it grew haf a mili meter..... I would of thought the hole thing would of died by now, but it hasent yet....... I'll keep yaul posted on it. ;)
I wonder if we grow some aquatic plants in the house if that will produce and help to clean the enviornment.
that would def. cleen the water GB but not the air, at least I wouldn't think. By the way the moss has gotten to 1 in high and still growing "big" I wish I have an under water camera, and I thought it was going to die "neaver let your hopes down" :)