Two years ago, someone gave me an indoor plant that had spider mites. I put it on the front porch, not understanding that the spider mites could live on outdoor plants. My beautiful Wisteria was infected/invaded, so last year I got some predatory mites which seemed to do the trick. However, this years I find they are in my fig and bay laurel. I cut them down as neither was dear to my heart. But the neighbour's Camelia is dying from them. They aren't interested in our many lilacs, but may be on one - maybe more - of the roses we grow. In essence, the garden, and our neighbour's garden are in trouble. The predatory mites are so expensive but we only organics in the garden, so what to do, what to do? An affordable source for predatory mites? I am fertilizing as needed, taking the best care I know how of the plants, and I am at a loss. Thank you.