Spider Mites or Is it Cause by Them?

Discussion in 'Garden Pest Management and Identification' started by Yetat, Dec 27, 2008.

  1. Yetat

    Yetat Active Member

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    Do the "white spots" they cause on the leaves disappear?

    Also, does "Permethrin" and "Tetramethrin" work on them?
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2008
  2. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    Re: Spider Mites

    They dont cause white spots but they do cause mottling of the leaf, the damage does not repair itself.

    Permethrin and tetramethrin are synthetic pyrethroids and depending on their formulation should kill spider mites.
  3. Yetat

    Yetat Active Member

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    Okay, I've change the titles cause it might not be caused by spider mites, below are some symptoms I notices:

    1. After notices some webbings, I immedately remove it and the term "spider mites" also come to my mind.

    2. The first picture shows the "white spots"

    3. The second picture shows the "discolouration, metallic and brownish colour" on the leaves which have the "white spots"

    4. The third picture shows that some leaves at the stalks of the plant have been munch at.

    5. The fourth picture shows that there is some brownish patch at the stalk of the plants

    6. The last picture shows the "brownish stain" it looks like some droppings to me. Sorry about the light reflections and the poor camera quality.

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    I brought this plant 4 days ago and on the 2nd day I saw it develops some "symptons" than I just flood the soil, use water hose and direct the water at the plant, than after that moist it for every hour.

    But on the fourth day, which is today, I found there is more "white spots" and the plant doesn't look too good, so I spray it with the insecticide which contains "Permethrin" and "Tetramethrin".

    Should I use a stronger insecticide which contains "Imiprothrin" and "Cypermethrin"?

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