This may not be one, but is definitely in that family (Asclepiadaceae). I got the mother of this little one about 35 years ago from the greenhouse at Arizona State University, but have never had a name to go with it. Leaves are round, about the size of a quarter, with (as photo shows) a notch at the tip. Opposite, med green, somewhat thick. Plant has milky sap, small white flowers in clusters, and a trailing habit. And is somewhat prone to mealy bugs... If anyone has any ideas as to ID, I'd love to hear! Many thanks!!
Thanks, Junglekeeper! It does look a lot like D. milnei. I can't find a picture of D. oiantha. (Yet.) So... Apocynaceae, I gather! <grin> Oh well... Much appreciated... By the way, I just found a Hoya page, which shows H. serpens. Do you know if that's a synonym for H. miniata (I have one so labeled)?
oh ive seen that plant ..but i have been so out of it with plants lately ..havent been keeping up on them .. i am so sure that is a Hoya .. I just cant think of the name Marn
ok went and did a lil looking .. is this yours ??? Marn
Thanks, Marn. It does look at bit like that one, as well as like the one Junglekeeper suggested. Will try to find out more (clearly there's a lot more to learn about Hoyas...!), but the link to that great gallery is much appreciated!
your welcome ... i know there are so many Hoyas out there but they all produce wonderfull flowers.. (i have yet to have one bloom) .. but im sure one day :) Marn