What part of the plant is the active "odor"/essence release? I am going to try and capture the essence of this night scented bloom ...... I have the method of capturing the scent now I just need the botany description of where the extraction is released/created? What part of the bloom is creating the scent?
Capturing the scent of the flowers is a VERY bad idea. While there is no question most of them have an amazing fragrance, they are also highly poisonous and psychotropic. All parts of them are already at a very highly concentrated level of poison, and capturing the scent would require concentrating them even much farther. This sounds like a fast road to a really horrible, gruesome death. Even a very small amount of concentrate from this plant can detach you from reality in a negative, scary way that can cause you to take your own life while thinking you are saving it. Enjoy them safely as plants and make sure children can't get near them. :)