Does anyone know where to buy seeds (viable acorns) for Garry Oak, Quercus garryana? I'm looking for up to 50 of these, depending on price.
I'm looking for a commercial source, where they should be available all winter. I tried to pick some in October, but the squirrels had already stripped the few trees that I'm aware of in this area.
May be this will help You could also contact the BC Ministry of Forests.
Twining Vine Garden seeds (in Fanny Bay) looks like they have them in stock: she's a good source, and supplies viable seed.
Thanks for the information. I ordered some seeds from Twining Vine. It will be interesting to see how planting seeds works out. I planted 20 one year old seedlings this year in locations where I couldn't water them at all. Naturally, the summer was one of the driest on record; so a fair number of seedlings turned brown. I'm not sure if all of them with brown leaves actually died, because I can see buds on them. At least half still had some green leaves when the rain started. I will check next spring to see how many actually survived this year's very dry conditions. Anyway, I can more easily afford to lose seedlings planted from acorns.
I've been guilty of neglecting them in one gallon pots in the past, had them competely dry out, and return with a vengeance the following season. One seedling I heeled in and forgot about, then left for dead has continued to grow in that they're tough, and I'd wager a bunch of yours will leaf out in the spring.
The acorns from Twining Vine arrived today, packaged in a plastic bag with moist compost. That was excellent service. I'll keep them in the fridge for a while and then plant them in small pots under lights to give them a head start this coming spring. I think I'll grow them in batches started at different times to determine what works out best.