I recently repotted my clivia and now the soil has a fuzzy mold looking substance on the surface... What can I do to fix this?
If it's a fungus then the soil is too wet - just let it dry out. Clivias don't like wet feet. It probably won't harm the plant as long as the roots are still firm. They also don't like being transplanted so expect it to sulk. Good luck!
Yes I know that they dont like to be repotted but there was almost no dirt left in the pot so I figured it was time. Is there somthing i should do to get rid of the fuzz or will it go away on its own once it drys out? I always let it get quite dry before watering again so thats why im a little worried it might be somthing in the soil. Should I put it in new soil or just leave it for now?
I too have that problem, and I am very careful to not overwater my plants. All I've ever read is that it may be an overwatering problem (which it isn't in this case). Then I got to thinking that maybe I chose a very moisture-retentive soil, but I usually mix my own soil using plenty of aerating amendments. I'm wondering now if it could be contaminated soil mixes...?