I have had this plant for almost 2 years and now it has started to look very sick. I thought the plant was root bound so I repotted it and it doesn't seem to help. I will upload a few pictures. I watered it just as frequent as before so I don't know what happened.
your best bet would be to google house plant disease's .. i can not think off the top of my head right now what that is .. Marn
I tried looking in google to try to find out what it is but I have had no luck so far. That is why I am asking here
Looks like bacterial leaf spot: http://www.extension.umn.edu/projects/yardandgarden/diagnostics/bactleafspot.html Probably excessively moist soil and/or humidity.
I never wet the leaves when I water but from the pictures, it looks very similar. I will stop watering the plant for 1-2 weeks and see if the condition get any better.