Hello Again Sigtris and prairiegreenthumb Here I am again. I am back with some things growing out of my Hoya and have no clue of course. There are a lot of little ones but this photo is of the biggest one I have found so far maybe you can help me identify what they are. You can see this under the Leaf. Hmm I will put another up with it turned for a better view. Hugs Orchid
mrsubjunctive Thank You Thank You Thank You. Wow I am going to have a lot of flowers on my plant. I am so excited. Thank You So Much For Your Reply Hugs Orchid
Orchid - don't ever pull off those funny little branches and it sounds like you have lots of them. That is where the flowers will come from every year. When the flowers are spent you can gently brush off just the flowers and not what they were attached too. It sounds like your doing everything right for it to bloom like that. Congrats! barb
Thank You Barbara Lloyd, I didn't know that is what they are supposed to look like when they first start to push flowers out. The photos that prairiegreenthumb put in here don't look anything like what I have. I am wonder if theirs is a different Hoya or if Mine will look like theirs in the future. It seems that the bud that theirs grows on is a very short stick as compared to mine. Hugs Orchid.
Orchid - If you google "Hoya" you will find about a bazillion different kinds and colors. When yours blooms go through the pics of Hoya and try to find which one. One of the most common is Hoya carnosa. It has pale pink flowers that look fuzzy. Be careful of where the plant is sitting because the flowers drip honey and it will mark furniture. I put an old plactic place mat under mine to catch the drips. barb