I am having a hard time identifying the animal/insect eating the leaves of my wave petunias. When I inspect at night, I don't see anything obvious (aphids, catipilars, etc). My flower bed is approx 8 feet long with 5-6 wave petunias. The weird thing is that only one or two of the petunias are eaten up. I have geraniums spread throughout the flower bed too and they are completely untouched. Is it possible that a rabbit might be eating the leaves or is it more likely an insect? Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.
Anyone know if rabbits avoid geraniums? My neighbor routinely throws loaves of bread in her yard to feed the critters. Unfortunately, my garden and plants suffer. I believe I have some liquid fence left, so I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the suggestion Ron.
the same thing is happening to me! one by one most of my wave petunias have been chewed on and desrtoyed. but not all. i can't figure it out. i have a lot of other flowering plants, including other types of petunias, and they are mostly unscathed. ????? i would truly welcome any opinions or advise!