I need identification on this interesting fern that I bought. It had identification attached to it. The tag says that it is a "Pteris Hardy Table" Pteris cretica It has tiny greenish blue leaves. When I went to search the internet under this name, I was coming up with a plant that looks very different. I think they made a mistake labeling it. See pictures. Can someone tell me what this plant really called? Or if anyone has the same plant, can you tell me how to take care of it? Thanks!
I looked it up under the name Selaginella and sure enough that's what it is. In fact, I looked into it more in depth and I believe it is a Selaginella apoda (Meadow Spikemoss). Great...I bought moss. I know how long that's going to last indoors without sufficient humidity. Thank you for helping me I.D. this plant!
No, you bought selaginella. It's not a moss, botanically. Will, however like a comparatively moist situation - as do ferns.