It was given to me by my daughter and i brought it back to good health. but ummm. It seems to be doing too well. it has become so tall that it will not stall upright anymore. I had it proped up but im not happy with that solution so I am wondering if I can chop the top off and perhaps this will encourage a more "stocky" growth?? Anyone know what it is (I know it will be simple) and how I can alleviate this leaning tower of leaf-a. If I let it. It would lean down beyond the pot but I dont see that it is unhealthy in any way. thanks in advance. Ron
You have what appears to be a Dracaena marginata. I'm not overly familiar with the growth habits as I have never had one but you can cut the top out of it, root it and pot it for a shorter plant. I'm not sure what the parent plant will do once the top has been cut out, probably grow a few shoots to replace it and continue growing up, up and away. These are not bushy plants to begin with, as they grow taller (to 10') they tend to loose their lower leaves and you have a bare stem topped with a cluster of 30 or so leaves. I'm not sure why the trunk on yours is so slender, could be growing conditions.
Ihave cut a number of these back (to just above soil line) and they resprout usually with two (or more) shoots.The piece cut off will also root .You can shorten the piece cut off if its too long.
I suggest cutting the plant in half and then rooting the cutting in water. Once it isroted plant it in the same pot and this will also give you a fuller look. Keep this plant pruned, otherwise it will get lanky and out of control, plus the more pruned it is the thicker and woodier the stem will become.