I live on Bowen Island and all the soil in the garden was brought in.My question is this: In the last 2/3 years I have noted that my witchhazel or pink Dogwood and Magnolia tree leafe out in the spring beautifully,but by the end of June the edges of the leaves are starting to brown and eventually fall off.I had various knowledgable gardeners look at the trees,but nobody seems to know what is going on. The whole yard was topdressed with seasoil this year.It was suggested to me to get the soil tested. Any other ideas? PS watering is not a problem as we have a well on the property.
Both of these trees have shallow root sytems and prefer their roots in the shade. You may want to look look here for a solution here first. Greg
Also, seeing as your on Bowen Island, I wonder about watering as the summer warms up. Do these trees get sufficient water?