My wife fell for a snowball bush I think, so when I came accross one I had to get it for her, it did quite well for the first year and now I may have done it in plowing snow,are they a fairly harty shrub or tree,can I "prune it to help some of the broken branch's or just what? She was very dissapointed I damaged it and I would like to help the sittu ation as well as get her another. Please help
VIBURNUM OPULUS STERILE Snowball Tree, Guelder Rose) If this is it its easy to make cuttings and it seems to regenerate readily. When we first came to this place found one with a dog kennel on top of it. I pruned it back hard and it has never looked back. I also use mine as part of the tapestry hedge I have for privacy and it looks great with all the pom poms in amongst all the leaves. Liz
Ta Ron, I am hopeless with the names and I usually go to find a picture. This is what they had next to it. Sorry if I have caused confusion. Liz
No need to apologize, Liz - a lot of folks have the name confused on that one, so it doesn't surprise me to hear that's the name you've seen beside it online.
Cut off the broken branches a little bit above the closest pair of buds. It's a very tough shrub, and will come back in no time. The shrub will put up even more stems from the base as well. In a year, you won't know you ever wounded it.