Snowball Tree

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by DeeDee, May 31, 2006.

  1. DeeDee

    DeeDee Member

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    Ontario Canada
    My snowball tree is in distress, being eaten alive!!!...I think its aphids but not sure. The leaves are curled, when uncurled its black inside. How do I get rid of these pests??....Someone told me to spray it with soapy water but that didn't help. Thanks
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    You have to get the spray on the aphids for anything to happen. Failing that you would have to use a systemic insecticide, as is used on roses. I am wary of these, think the cure is probably worse than the disease. The way I look at it is you are putting down something that is so poisonous it crosses the natural protective barriers of a PLANT and make its sap poisonous.
  3. HortLine

    HortLine Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC
    The most benign way to handle the aphids on your snowball tree would be to simply spray the plant with a hose and knock them off. Aphids hang on with their mouths and when the spray hits them their mouths are ripped off and they fall and die. So, of course, you have to make sure that the water pressure is somewhat strong. (This won't work for more sensitive herbaceous plants, but works very well for woody plants like your Viburnum)

    An added benefit to this control measure is that none of the beneficial insects are harmed in the process and even if they are knocked off, can climb back to their business after the aphids have been taken care of.

    This is not a one time fix either, and you will need to repeat the process until all of the aphids have met the destiny you intend for them.
  4. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    aphids dont consume leaves, it may be viburnum leaf beetle. unfortunately there are no systemic insecticides registered for use by consumers in Canada any longer, consider Sevin or a safers soap product, like "end all" or 'trounce'.

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