Visiting a country fair in south Queensland Australia, I fell in love with 2 lilies just about to open and bought them on impulse. I have no idea about the care of said lilies or what their botanical names are. They were sold as 'snake lilies'. One is white, the other purple in colour. The stems are snake like in colour, hence name. Any info would be much appreciated.
Snake lily is a common name that could be used for a few different plants, so first you should find out what plant it is. Can you take it to a good nursery, post a picture, or give a very detailed description so it could be identified?
Seems like you are referring to Dichelostemma volubile. Have a look at this picture and let us know if that's what your plants look like.
Thanks. After much searching I found the name: amorphophallus bulbifer and quickly removed the opening flower to the far end of our 5 acre property!!!
Oh! Oh! At least, you should thank your lucky stars that it isn't Amorphophallus titanum. Because if it were, you might the the one who has to move away!! The whole of the genus amorphophallus is fascinating and provides good reading materials in the doldrums of the winter. For example, check out this rather detailed amorphophallus only website. But I won't be growing one anytime soon.