Smarty Plants: Uncovering the Secret World of Plant Behaviour

Discussion in 'Plants: In the News' started by anza, May 5, 2012.

  1. anza

    anza Active Member 10 Years

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    Has anyone up there in Canada seen this documentary narriated by David Suzuki host of "The Nature of Things" ?

    It's only allowed in Canada from this link below and at best I can only find a few 3 or five minute trailers. Well to all Canadians - Enjoy!

    Smarty Plants: Uncovering the Secret World of Plant Behaviour

    This link below is a trailer from none other than UBC and their own Prof Suzanne Simard:

    Well, everybody else enjoy it. If someone knows of another way to view this let me know. I'd love to see it.

  2. anza

    anza Active Member 10 Years

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    Okay I understand this is probably not very interesting to many here. It certainly wasn't when Junglehunter posted it's release in March 2012. Nobody commented there either.

    However, does anyone know of a good internet IP proxy for Canada that would allow me to watch it from Sweden ?

  3. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
  4. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
  5. anza

    anza Active Member 10 Years

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    Hi Wendy,

    Well, I have not been around for a while. Some years back I got tired of the political ideology and worldview issues being pushed by some and dropped out. But I do see the messages now and then. Yes, I have seen this info before and also have followed the videos of Suzanne Simard. While her research is incredible and far ahead of the conventional thinking out there, she's not really mainstream and by that I mean, her type of science is not what rules out there today. Todd Dawson and his Lab is another researrch who has focussed on plant community's ability at Hydraulic Lift and Redistribution and another called Hydraulic Descent. Both are invaluable in understanding ecosystem function and replicating what has been observed when selecting plants for restoration or urban landscaping.

    Simard's research in plant communication reveals a truth that many in Science do not wish to acknowedge nor pursue, that this communication is both intelligent and has been programmed into the system. We can tell that from their behaviour which many times is specific when it comes to responses. It's anyone's guess and speculation as to how all this came to be, but it's an inconvenient truth for many. I live in Sweden now for 14 years and much of my problem when clicking on websites comes from the mighty E.U. blocking this for my own good I guess. They have developed and implemented strict controls here on what can be viewed. Welcome to the Thought Police of the modern day Secular Worldview.

    Thanks again, Kevin
  6. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    @anza good morning Kevin, very interesting to read your post and especially your last words on the EU blocking websites from your view. I do not agree with that type of control at all. Yes some sites must be removed from view, but botany!!!??
    I also agree whole heartedly that science must be open minded. My children all qualified in sciences of different forms, but they discuss and never rule out of hand. So important to do this.

    An eye opening post Kevin.
  7. anza

    anza Active Member 10 Years

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    Yes, thank you Acer (Maple),

    I have read this article about the German Forester some years back. And he was right on in his observation and brilliant in the way he taught visitors and in educating the public to try and instill deep appreciation for the way nature really works. As with my response to Wendy above, Peter Wohlleben's research has been highly critized by biologists who view his use of such terminology as not productive when the exact opposite is true. Today's prevailing Scientific Orthodoxy resents people who they view as not credentialed usurping their self-appointed position of keepers of all knowledge. Especially when such uncredentialed actually prove them to be wrong. In many ways they resent their worldview being questioned. Take this paragraph from your link:
    For well over a century we have been force fed this Survival of the Fittest nonsense. So when someone comes along and and starts preaching Surival of the Mutually Cooperative, the prevailing Scientific Orthodoxy takes offense. It's like they've taken script and pages out of the ld Dark Ages Christendom playbook and made them their own.

    Anway thanks again for your link and interest - Kevin

  8. anza

    anza Active Member 10 Years

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    Believe it or not many times it is common local newspapers and journals. It's unbelievable how things have changed here. There seems to be an obsession with control.
  9. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Then it's more important than ever for you to have some input here Kevin. Sharing knowledge is what this forum is all about, not suppressing it. We may not always agree and sometimes we have to agree to disagree, but to discuss and debate is part of science IMO and a very healthy approach for us all.
    Don't stay away too long in future.

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