Identification: Small Yet Perfectly Formed

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Priff, Aug 30, 2006.

  1. Priff

    Priff Member

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    MK, UK
    This plant ia bout 3 inches wide, 2 inches high.
    A girl at work left it on her desk in a terrible state (it had been trampled on, and only had 1/2 CM of root, and 3 leaves.

    After putting in on my office window and regular watering it's looking much better.
    Leaves grow in pairs, right angles to previous pair.
    After 4 pairs on leaves, the oldest pair drop off.

    I know NOTHING about plants, does anyone here know what plant this is?

    Also, the pot is not much more than 2 inches in diameter. Will this get too small?

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  2. wrygrass2

    wrygrass2 Active Member 10 Years

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    Spokane, WA, USA
    Leaves fleshy shiny? If so maybe Crassula orbiculata or Jade? Many different varieties, cultivars. Yours seems to be the basic one. Actually with the size of the plant compared to the pot, a larger pot would probably help. In any case Jade will get much larger. Have seen a plant at least 5' [1.5m] (possibly larger) at a local conservatory. Of course it took years to grow to that size. Harry
  3. Priff

    Priff Member

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    MK, UK
    Thank you very much for your reply.

    I would say the leaves are fleshy. They are over 1mm in thickness and are fairly rigid.

    The leaves are not shiny (like lets say a rubber plant), they are quite dull/matt.
  4. wrygrass2

    wrygrass2 Active Member 10 Years

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    Spokane, WA, USA
    Sorry, made an error in the species name. It should have read Crassula ovata. The link is to a google image search. If not this species, then I think one of the same genus which is quite large containing many species. Harry

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