Hi! I'm looking for some recommendations for local garden centres that have a good selection of small plants and moss suitable for my glass terrariums. I have visited a few local garden shops around Vancouver, and there is not much in the way of teeny tiny plants. I also really would like to find some living moss ( I have transplanted some from my parent's acreage on the island) but I would like to find some local sources. The best selection I have found was at David Hunters', but am wondering of anywhere else that might have a bigger selection, or wider variety. If you have any suggestions, I would be very thankful!
try delicate ferns, crotons, maranta, calathea, and rhoeo,,, and for a splash of color try violets and small orchids never use any catus and make sure u leave room for grow between plants
Sundews (Drossera spp.) are nice in terrariums. Hawaiian Tropicals in Richmond features terrarium plants. There may be other local nurseries that carry this type of plant as well.