Small flying pests on aloe & jade

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Alexis, Aug 30, 2007.

  1. Alexis

    Alexis Member

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    Delta, BC, Canada
    Hi there,

    Over the last couple weeks my two aloe plants (recently replanted in a soil/compost mix) and my two jade plants (in similar mix but have been planted and doing really well for almost a year) have been taken over by small/wee flies that remind me of fruit flies.
    No, the plants are not all in the same rooms - yes the flies have come around after both types of plants have suffered some problems (the jades a sunburn/have dark spots and some red around rims of some leaves - the aloes some broken 'arms')
    Prior to me buying some spray - any thoughts on getting rid of these annoying pests?
    thank you
  2. MamaMac

    MamaMac Active Member

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    It sounds like you have fungus gnats. Annoying, but not really harmful to your plants (unless they are seedlings, then their larvae can do some root damage). They are usually a sign that you are over watering your plants, which since both of the plants you are talking about are succulents, can be extremely harmful to them. The red edges on the leaves of your jade are actually a good thing. They will do that if they are getting good sun, and is not a problem. Make sure that you are really allowing your plants to dry out between waterings. To get rid of the gnats, get some of those yellow sticky traps, put them in the plants that they seem to be coming from. This will catch the adults as they emerge. Most of this problem will take care of itself if soil is allowed to dry out slightly between waterings.
  3. markinwestmich

    markinwestmich Active Member

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    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    As a general rule, succulents should not be planted in a compost mix as it contains high levels of fungus. Combine this with a little too much water and it is a perfect set up for root rot.

    If you click onto the "Caudiciform and Pachycaul Tree" forum and then onto the "Succulent and Caudiciform Culture Guide" there will be web links to three different specialty nurseries and their culture guides. It's a good read and most will learn how to properly take care of these great plants.

    You can also use a slow-release, granular insecticide mixed into the soil to significantly reduce all those little critters.

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