
Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by Agraywall, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. Agraywall

    Agraywall Member

    Likes Received:
    Port moody
    Hello all,

    We have a set of beautiful raised garden beds in our backyard. One of the raised beds is infested with slugs..this is what we assume because our sunflowers, corn, and all others are being attacked. Greenery on the sprouting seeds is being eaten before the plant has a chance to grow.

    We are pretty certain this is being caused by slugs. there is copper wire tacked to the outside of each raised bed..what else can we do to protect our precious garden?

    Maple Ridge
  2. Margot

    Margot Renowned Contributor 10 Years

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    Nanoose Bay, BC Canada
    Are you positive that the damage you describe is being caused by slugs? Have you actually seen some? If you put down a shallow dish amongst the plants and pour some beer in it, that should flush out slugs to confirm it is them you're dealing with. Climbing cutworms and even weevils should be ruled out before you spend time and money going after slugs. I don't know if a photo would be helpful to help identify the culprits but it wouldn't hurt.
  3. Agraywall

    Agraywall Member

    Likes Received:
    Port moody
    Pretty certain it's slugs, we have seen the little ones eating leaves . The garden bed in question has a light sprinkle of composite added to the top layer, we feel the slug eggs could have been hiding in the compost. I will put out a dish of beer today and investigate further and I will send a picture of the crime scene for you to view. Please send any/all suggestions..we are willing to try anything.

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