Hello. Are there any slug resistant flowering annuals? I cannot use slug bait or anything else that my animals might eat. I have tried petunias & geraniums, but the slugs seemed to enjoy them. I am planting in wooden boxes on my deck which faces west and gets afternoon sun. Thank you.
We have a huge slug problem too. We plant snapdragons, nasturtiums and zinnias for slug resistant annuals, they stay away from geraniums as well. The geraniums overwinter quite well with a minimum of protection. All of my wooden planters have a copper wire wrapped around the base to thwart the slugs.
Have you ever tried osteospermum? One of the nurseries told me it is slug resistant. I've read about copper wire and thought it might be an myth. Thank you for the suggestions. I think we live in slug heaven.
I've never seen slugs on pels (geraniums). Petunias, marigolds etc. they gobble down. Snaps may be OK most places, don't recall seeing significant damage to these. One problem is that the snails that have come into the area and spread through it appear to go for additional kinds of plants not much bothered by slugs. For instance, Friday three of us were looking at a deciduous hybrid azalea and saw a snail up in the top of it, eating a flower. It had to travel through several feet of slender, twiggy azalea stem to get there.
You could try surrounding your plants with wood ashes or diatomaceous earth. Slugs usually won't cross them.
Yes, and crumbled eggshells too, because they don't like to cross over the sharp shells. Keep a bucket of dishsoapy water around as well, so you can drop any slugs you see into it, which will kill them. Thank you goldpony, for the suggestion about Osteospermum (African Daisy), because it just so happens that I have three of them growing right now, that I started from seed! I had no idea they deterred slugs! : )